The experts on Penny Stocks say that the most important thing to remember is to stay
on top of the news and updated information released daily about stocks, companies, and their current position. Many experienced
investors say that the most talked about companies are simply the best way to go.
This is a simple logic to go with because if people are talking about the company, it’s all over the media,
or the newest buzz has been surrounding their product then chances are it is gaining popularity and word of mouth will spread
the news, increase the sales, and in turn keep the stock value up. If a product is fizzling out and losing popularity and
value then you will notice the buzz decreasing and people getting less and less excited about the product or company.
As with anything you are looking to trust with your money it is important to keep a
close eye on these stocks. With their potential to rise and fall very quickly you must stay informed on what products or companies
are on the rise and which are beginning to be old news.
Fast Track to Extreme Profits; By Investment
U Research
Many of the best-performing stocks of the past are businesses
you’ve been patronizing for years. Momentum stocks are, by definition, the fastest-growing companies – and the
most rapidly moving stocks – in the market. There's nothing mysterious about them. Quite simply, they lead virtually
all other companies in terms of sales growth, operating margins, profitability and "relative strength."
Have you or your spouse ever shopped at Wal-Mart? The company's shares rose 40,232%
during the last bull market. That's enough to turn $10,000 into more than $4 million. Have you or your company ever bought
a Microsoft software program like Word, Excel or PowerPoint? The stock rose 61,034% in the 13 years following its IPO. That
turned a $10,000 investment into more than $6.1 million.